In January of 2013 God called me and my family to Hawaii for three months. We went to Hawaii for a Christian organisation called YWAM. We found out that God was calling our family to go to Hawaii sometime in 2012. It’s a crazy and exciting story to tell. As I was around 10 at the time, I don’t remember as much as my parents do from that time. But this is what I do remember.
This was a faith journey. We mostly had to rely on our own income, and trust that God would provide the money that we needed in order for us to go. In 2012 we also found out that it was time to move out of the house that we were renting. We moved out of our house a few days before Christmas. We spent that Christmas and New Years at my mom’s parents house. The plan was to stay there for a week or so, before going to Hawaii. We hadn’t bought any plane tickets when we moved out of our house, and when we went to spend Christmas with our Grandma and Grandpa because we still did not have enough money to be able to leave for Hawaii. My parents trusted that God would come through with the money, and they were confident that we would be able to leave in time for me and my siblings start date at school. The school that me and my siblings were going to attend in Hawaii started on January 3rd. But God had another plan for our family. Money had been coming in towards our airfare little by little. God had told my parents to be still and wait and trust in him. My parents tried to find a way though to book our plane tickets, but there was nothing that they could do. Then suddenly the money stopped coming through. My parents started to get a bit anxious, even though they knew that God was calling us to go to Hawaii. Again, God told my parents to be still and rest in him. So they told me and my siblings and our grandparents what God had told them. They told us that they were pretty sure that God wanted to teach us something through all of this. God taught my parents a lot during this waiting period. It was a though time for us children because we didn’t understand the whole situation, and we were sad each day that we hadn’t left for Hawaii yet.
We waited and waited but no money came through. All that we could do was to trust that God would somehow provide what we needed to be able to go to Hawaii. Our bags were already packed because my mom had a feeling that everything would happen fast when all the money came through. So the bags stood there packed as each day went by. We waited at our grandparents house for many days until one day when things started to suddenly happen. On the 11th of January my parents started to get a bit restless. We were packed and ready to go, but on the morning of January the 11th it still seemed quite impossible for us to leave for Hawaii. We still didn’t even have any plane tickets yet. So we decided to go and see my mom’s sister that day, instead of sitting around and doing nothing all day. While we were at my mom’s sisters everything suddenly started to happen. That day all the money started coming through, and we were able to to find a travel agent that was able to help us book our plane tickets. I remember that we left my mom’s sisters house quite late that night, and we were all tired, but we were also so excited to see how God was working. Early the next morning we left our grandparents house to begin our journey towards the airport. We got our plain tickets the same day that we left our grandparents house. On January the 12th we were finally off to Hawaii. We had to leave by January the 12th or we couldn’t go at all. In the last minutes God performed a miracle, and turned our situation from impossible to possible.
God provided a miracle for us. He made a way for us through a situation that almost seemed impossible. It was amazing to see how God moved and provided everything so fast.
Although we only waited for a few weeks as I remember, the waiting season was very tough. God was in control through this season. There was nothing different that we could have done. We had to only trust in God. God used this for his purpose. Everything turned out alright in the end. The next one anyone of us is in a waiting season, we can look back and remember how God turned the impossible into possible.
This journey to Hawaii is one that I won’t likely forget. I think as my parents said back then that God wanted to teach our family something during this time. God can and will often use the most toughest situations that we go through in life to teach us something new, or to show us that he still does miracles.